Mission, profile, organisation

The Catholic Academy in Bavaria

Church needs debate: "Catholic" with a view to the whole -
and "academic", trusting in the power of arguments.

We live this. And organise discourses on the burning issues of the day: questions from the heart of life. Thinking at the highest scientific level. The communication is comprehensible and true to life. And not only that: methodological diversity, space for participation, church services and a hospitable setting with food and drink make reflection an intensive experience.

Our range of topics includes religion and politics, science and technology, history and philosophy, art and culture. We strive to attract the best experts on every question. Because we want to prepare all the information and interpretations for you in such a way that you can form an informed opinion. That is our mission. Fulfilling it has not become boring for almost 70 years.

Our programme to read

In unserer renommierten Zeitschrift „zur debatte“ berichten wir seit 1970 über unsere Veranstaltungen. Akademisch am Puls, gehen wir unseren Fragen hier in gebotener Sorgfalt auf den Grund. Online stellen wir Ihnen alle Hefte ab 2010 als Download zur Verfügung.


Neues Video

Medienethikerin Christine Ulrich spricht über die ethischen Aspektes des Einsatzes von KI in den Medien

Our media library: a reference work for all

Being there is not everything. We make all our speakers' contributions available to you free of charge in our media library - as text, audio or video. The lectures have earned this reach.

Guest room

Spend the night at the academy

Our guesthouse offers travellers a quiet hotel stay in a special ambience: experience sustainable living in a simple but modern standard in the Cardinal Wendel House or stay princely in the Suresnes Castle.

Enjoy the most beautiful private park in the city, a high-quality organic breakfast, our warm hospitality and an unobtrusive spiritual grounding - in a place where it's good to stay!

Meeting rooms

For every event the suitable location

Our conference and seminar rooms offer everything for successful events and meetings and can be booked by you.

Our programme to read

The journal "zur debatte

We have been reporting on our events in our renowned journal "zur debatte" since 1970. Academically on the pulse, we get to the bottom of our questions here with due diligence. 

All issues since 2010 are available online for download.


Promote knowledge!

Membership in the "Association of Friends and Benefactors" ensures a continuous basis for the work of the Catholic Academy.

It provides the Academy with planning security and opens up the scope for attractive events. Every support helps!

Every support helps

Donate for knowledge!

Would you like to support the work of the Catholic Academy in Bavaria with a donation? 

We are grateful for every donation and are of course also happy about your one-off contribution.