Dr. h.c. mult. Annette Schavan

Former Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Holy See, Chairwoman of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation EVZ (Remembrance, Responsibility and Future), Ulm

The speaker has contributed to the following future and past events and has given the following lectures at the Catholic Academy in Bavaria, which we offer for free download.

From the event archive

Being there is not everything. We document our events - free of charge for you - as text, audio or video to give the lectures and discussions a higher reach.

© Ziko
Guest: Prof. Dr Dr h.c. mult. Hans Joas, Berlin
Annette Schavan / Laurence Chaperon - Bishop Rudolf Voderholzer / Diocese of Regensburg - Jan-Heiner Tück / Private
Annette Schavan Jan-Heiner Tück Guest: Rudolf Voderholzer, Bishop of Regensburg
Daniela Weiland
Annette Schavan and Jan-Heiner Tück, Guest: Cornelia Zetzsche
Pius XII / Wikimedia Commons
The letters of supplication from persecuted Jews to Pope Pius XII.
© Laurence Chaperon ; © Stephan Röhl
Guest: Ulrich Greiner
Guest: Felicitas Hoppe / (c) S. Fischer Verlag Photo: Anita Affentranger
Annette Schavan and Jan-Heiner Tück. Guest: Bettina Schausten (Photo: © ZDF/Markus Hintzen)
The two hosts Annette Schavan and Jan-Heiner Tück are looking forward to the well-known sociologist Heinz Bude.
Guest Fr Elmar Salmann. Last time, Christoph Markschies (centre) was a guest at the Theological Terzett in Suresnes Castle (our photo).
Guest: Christoph Markschies
A conversation between Annette Schavan and Klaus Zierer
Guest: Sibylle Lewitscharoff
Film and talk as part of the DOK.fest
Film and talk as part of the DOK.fest

From the media library

Theological trio
Panel on the topic 'The Theology of Joseph Ratzinger
Theological trio
Cornelia Zetzsche in the Theological Trio
Theological Trio. Guest: Cornelia Zetzsche
Panel on the 'Asking the Pope for Help' research project
Theological Trio. Guest: Ulrich Greiner
Felicitas Hoppe as guest
Theological tercet with Heinz Bude
Theological trio
Annette Schavan