Science | Medicine | Technology

On mind and nature in the age of AI

Harald Lesch and Wilhelm Vossenkuhl in dialogue
Thursday, 25.07.2024
© gorodenkoff; iStock

During the Enlightenment, it was believed that science enabled (technical) progress and promoted human freedom. Today we know the downside of this process: the endangerment of nature and the environment, which in turn restricts freedom. We are in a dilemma.
AI (artificial intelligence), which is shaping communication and medical diagnostics, for example, is currently the subject of much debate. Some believe that it can minimise the damage caused by technological progress. Others believe that it restricts human autonomy. Do we have a new dilemma?
Astrophysicist and natural philosopher Harald Lesch and philosopher Wilhelm Vossenkuhl discuss this topic.

Special note:

Online participation in the event is possible via livestream on the YouTube channel of the Catholic Academy in Bavaria:

Recommend event

Datum und Uhrzeit Thursday, 25.07.2024, 19.00 - 22.00 Uhr


  • Participation 0,00 €
  • Participation online 0,00 €

Maximal 280 Teilnehmer.

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