Society | Economy | Politics

The challenge of climate financing

Climate protection seeks donors
Monday, 14.10.2024
© vargagabor; canva

The global challenge of climate financing is the focus of this event. Climate protection requires considerable investment in technologies, renewable energies and adaptation measures, especially in developing countries. Increased cooperation between governments, international organisations and the private sector is needed to mobilise the necessary financial resources. Climate finance is not only an environmental challenge, but also a social and economic one. It requires a redefinition of global priorities and a redistribution of resources according to fairness criteria in the interests of a sustainable future for all.

Cooperation with:

Munich Re Foundation

Special note:

Online participation in the event is possible via livestream on the YouTube channel of the Catholic Academy in Bavaria:

Recommend event

Datum und Uhrzeit Monday, 14.10.2024, 19.00 - 21.00 Uhr


  • Participation 0,00 €
  • Participation online 0,00 €

Maximal 280 Teilnehmer.

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