
Historical Days 2018

Historical days: We meet personalities from the first German democracy such as Hjalmar Schacht, Otto Braun, Ludwig Kaas, Max Plank and Albert Einstein.
Wednesday, 14.02. - Saturday, 17.02.2018

Associated media

Otto Braun - "The Red Tsar of Prussia
Max Planck and Albert Einstein - Two revolutionaries of physics
The dispute over Alfred Döblin's metropolitan novel Berlin Alexanderplatz
Gustav von Kahr in the mirror of his memoirs
On the role of Ludwig Kaas in so-called political Catholicism
The Influence of Folk Writers in the Weimar Republic
Ellen Ammann - women's rights activist and pioneer of social work
Kurt von Schleicher, Gregor Strasser and Crown Prince Wilhelm against Hitler
Weimar minds

Other current events

True sign
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Portrait of Ferry BĂ©raton
Anton Bruckner as a Catholic
On the 200th birthday of the great composer
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Political and economic impact on Europe and worldwide
Wednesday, 09.10.2024
© Evgeniyqw / Shutterstock
Peace - Conflicts - Security
Philosophical Days
Thursday, 10.10. - Saturday, 12.10.2024

From the event archive

Being there is not everything. We document our events - free of charge for you - as text, audio or video to give the lectures and discussions a higher reach.

© gorodenkoff; iStock
Harald Lesch and Wilhelm Vossenkuhl in dialogue
© Robertsrob, canva
Unfortunately the event has to be cancelled
Heribert Corn
Erich Garhammer meets Arno Geiger