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Return of religion - passé?

Current issues in Catholic literary and media history
Monday, 21.11. - Wednesday, 23.11.2022
©tilialucida, canva

Associated media

Peter Czoik
Erich Garhammer
Georg Langenhorst
"End of Providence" - Ecology and Apocalypse in Carl Amery's Work
Multi-layered traditions
Georg Langenhorst: On the Appeal of the Catholic for the World of the Crime Novel
Erich Garhammer: Longing for the Faith of Yesterday... Approaches to the Work of Arnold Stadler
Claudia Stockinger: "In '2001' religion no longer plays a major role." Catholic Literature Post-Desecular?
Return of religion - passé? (Dossier)
Catholic Literary and Media History
Renouveau Catholique today?
Return of the disappeared?
Sustainability and religion in literature
Transcendental style?
"Don't look at me! I am the Pope!"
A "Handbook on Literary Catholicism in the German-Speaking World of the 20th Century".
Catholic Literature Post-Desecular?

Other current events

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© Evgeniyqw / Shutterstock
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From the event archive

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© gorodenkoff; iStock
Harald Lesch and Wilhelm Vossenkuhl in dialogue
© Robertsrob, canva
Unfortunately the event has to be cancelled
Heribert Corn
Erich Garhammer meets Arno Geiger