
The desire for faith. On the 400th birthday of Blaise Pascal

On the 400th birthday of Blaise Pascal
Tuesday, 13.06.2023
Prof. Dr. Gisela Schlüter/Private; Database Joconde / Wikimedia Commons
Prof. Dr. Gisela Schlüter/Private; Database Joconde / Wikimedia Commons

Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), contemporary of René Descartes, is one of the most important and certainly most perceptive French thinkers. Mathematician and philosopher, and as a philosopher - like Descartes - thoroughly familiar with scepticism, Pascal also devoted himself to logical, physical, but later above all theological questions.

In sharp opposition to the Jesuits, who were enormously influential in the 17th century, and especially to Jesuit casuistry (cf. his Lettres Provinciales, a prime example of astute polemic), he sided with the Augustinian-influenced movement of French Jansenism (with the monastery of Port-Royal as its intellectual centre) and devoted himself to a life of religious spirituality and asceticism.

The famous Pensées, a defence of Christianity against sceptics and atheists consisting of aphorisms and reflections, as well as a basic book of sceptical anthropology, owe much to his religiousness. This fragmentary ensemble of texts is still considered a special challenge for philosophers and philologists in French academic life.

The lecture will give an overview of Pascal's life and work, his philosophy and theology, and will also deal, at least in passing, with what is probably his most commented on and most difficult text, the famous Pascal's Wager in the Pensées.
Gisela Schlüter

Programme of the event:

Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), a contemporary of René Descartes, is one of the most important and certainly most astute French thinkers. thinkers. Mathematician and philosopher, and as a philosopher - like Descartes - thoroughly scepticism, Pascal was also concerned with logical, physical and later mainly theological questions, physical, but later primarily theological questions. In sharp opposition to the Jesuits, who were enormously influential in the 17th century, and especially to Jesuit casuistry (cf. his Lettres Provinciales, a prime example of polemic), he took sides in favour of the the Augustinian movement of French Jansenism (with the Port-Royal monastery as its intellectual centre) and devoted himself to a life of religious spirituality and asceticism. spirituality and asceticism. His religiousness gave rise to the famous Pensées, a defence of Christianity against sceptics and atheists, consisting of aphorisms and reflections. sceptics and atheists and a basic book of sceptical anthropology. This fragmentary ensemble of texts is still regarded in French academic life as a special challenge for philosophers and philologists. The lecture will provide an overview of Pascal's life and work, his philosophy and theology, and will also deal, at least in passing, with what is probably his most commented and most difficult text, the famous Pascal's Wager in the Pensées. (Gisela Schlüter) Tuesday, 13 June 2023 Snack sale (from one hour before the start) 7.00 pm Welcome 7.10 pm The desire for faith. On the 400th birthday of Blaise Pascal Prof. Dr Gisela Schlüter, Professor of Romance Studies at the Friedrich-Alexander- University of Erlangen- Nuremberg 20.00 hrs Questions to the speaker 20.30 hrs Conclusion with wine and bread Organisation and moderation: Dr Johannes Schießl Participation in the event is free of charge. We offer snacks and drinks for sale. Registration by name is required, also at the box office. Please register by Wednesday, 7 June 2023: - at kath-akademie-bayern.de/veranstaltungen (see QR code) - or by e-mail: anmeldung@kath-akademie-bayern.de - or also by post. Please indicate when registering: - Name, address, e-mail, telephone number - Event title Catholic Academy in Bavaria Mandlstraße 23 - 80802 Munich - U3/U6 Münchner Freiheit Phone: 089 38102-111 - Fax: 089 38102-103 info@kath-akademie-bayern.de - www.kath-akademie-bayern.de

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