Society | Economy | Politics

The socio-ecological transformation

... as an opportunity for the economy and companies!
Tuesday, 14.05.2024
© mi-vir / iStock

The socio-ecological transformation of the economy and society aims to ensure that all people can live well together in the present and future while respecting planetary boundaries. The transformation towards a CO2-neutral economy leaves no household or company in Germany untouched.
How can this socio-ecological transformation succeed? The challenges and opportunities associated with the transformation for the economy and for companies will be discussed on the panel by representatives from companies, trade unions and science.

Cooperation with:

German Commission for Justice and Peace, Berlin

Special note:

Online participation in the event is possible via livestream on the YouTube channel of the Catholic Academy in Bavaria

Recommend event

Datum und Uhrzeit Tuesday, 14.05.2024, 19.00

Associated media

Understanding the socio-ecological transformation as an opportunity for the economy and companies!

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