Theology | Church | Spirituality

The Synodal Way

ZdK President Irme Stetter-Karp and Professor Thomas Söding take stock of the situation
Wednesday, 26.04.2023
Irme Stetter-Karp/KANN Dieter Mayr; Thomas Söding/RUB Marquard

Irme Stetter-Karp, President of the Central Committee of German Catholics, will come to the Catholic Academy to take stock of the "Synodal Way". On Wednesday, 26 April, starting at 6 p.m., she will discuss with Professor Thomas Söding from Bochum the four thematic areas of the Synodal Way (power, celibacy, women and sexual morality) as well as its implementation, which repeatedly leads to conflicts with the Vatican. The discussion, moderated by Academy Director Achim Budde, will be followed by decentralised rounds in the hall and on the web. From 8 p.m., the questions posed there will again be addressed on the podium.

Recommend event

Datum und Uhrzeit Wednesday, 26.04.2023, 18.00

Associated media

The Synodal Way
Irme Stetter-Karp Thomas Söding
What has the Synodal Way changed?
Irme Stetter-Karp and Thomas Söding: The Synodal Way - Taking Stock

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