Art | Culture

Job today

At the Summer Night of the Arts, an Old Testament scholar and young artists approach the biblical figure
Thursday, 15.06.2023
Job by Andreas Neumann-Nochten
Job by Andreas Neumann-Nochten

The Catholic Academy invites you to an extraordinary "Summer Night of the Arts" on Thursday, 15 June, starting at 7 pm in Schwabing's Mandlstraße.
Under the motto "Job today", the Old Testament scholar Ludger Schwienhorst-Schönberger from Vienna and young artists from the Otto Falckenberg School and the Munich Music Academy will approach the biblical figure in words, pictures, theatre and sounds. Participation in the event is free of charge, drinks and a snack will be available for sale

Programme of the event:

Even today, news of misfortune and heavy blows of fate are still referred to as bad news. This is exactly what the Book of Job in the Old Testament is about: Job, an extremely God-fearing and pious man, suffers injustice and immeasurable suffering. suffering. He is completely devastated, failed, at the end. But even in the face of this, Job does not begin to doubt God. That seems almost superhuman. Isn't doubt also part of it? And this question also seems justified: Why does God allow the suffering of the righteous? This question about suffering is probably as old as humanity itself. Even the play "Job - A Mockumentary" (= parody of a documentary) will probably not come up with a definitive answer. But it will be exciting when six young actors team up with a theologian and a composer to rethink an old text. Based on the Book of Job in the Old Testament, we are not confronted with a man from the Oriental Uz, but a contemporary village community. And a wide field. The result is a contemporary view of Job in an artistic articulation between recitation, film and music. Welcome to an extraordinary summer night of the arts! Thursday, 15 June 2023 Snack sale (from one hour before the start) 7.00 pm Welcome 7.10 pm What can Job still tell us today? Prof. Dr Ludger Schwienhorst-Schönberger, Professor emeritus of Old Testament Biblical Studies at the University of Vienna Followed by a discussion between the speaker and Prof Dr Christof Breitsameter, moral theologian at the LMU 20.00 Break 20.30 hrs Job - A Mockumentary - Participants from the Otto-Falckenberg-Schule Munich: Sebastian Berchtold, Emma Floßmann, Frida Lang, Marlene Markt, Ennes Sahin and Clara Walla - Artistic accompaniment: Marcus Boshkow - from the University of Music and Theatre Munich: Johannes Burgert, Composition - Artistic accompaniment: Isabel Mundry - from the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich: Miriam Lücke, Theology 21.30 hrs Conclusion with wine and bread, in the park of the academy, weather permitting Participation in the event is free of charge. We offer snacks and drinks for sale. Registration by name is required, also at the box office. Please register by Monday, 12 June 2023: - at (see QR code) - or by e-mail: - or also by post. Please indicate when registering: - Name, address, e-mail, telephone number - Event title Organisation: Prof. Dr Christof Breitsameter, Michael Zachmeier and Dr Johannes Schießl

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