Theology | Church | Spirituality

Prize for Young Theology

Cardinal Wetter Prize of the Catholic Academy in Bavaria
Thursday, 28.11.2024
© Private
© Private

The Catholic Academy in Bavaria and the management of the Institute of Catholic Theology at the University of Bamberg cordially invite you to the public academic celebration on the occasion of the awarding of the Prize for Young Theology at the University of Bamberg.
This year's winner is Dr Janosch Freuding, who completed his doctorate under Prof Dr Konstantin Lindner.

Cooperation with:

Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg

Programme of the event:


Thursday, 28 November 2024

7.00 pm

Dr. Achim Budde,

Director of the Catholic Academy in Bavaria

Prof. Dr. Kai Nonnenmacher,
Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Cultural Studies at the University of Bamberg


Prof. Dr. Konstantin Lindner,
Holder of the Chair of Religious Education and
Didactics of religious education
Laudatio on the award winner

VeAward of the Prize for Young Theology
to Dr Janosch Freuding

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