Thematic focus

Church in history

The church is first and foremost the community of believers. But over almost two millennia, it has also been an often decisive player in human history: in politics, economics, culture and science.

Here you will find both future and past events on this topic area, as well as articles from our magazine "zur debatte" and the videos, audios and podcast episodes on this topic area.

© jasonmooy /

Events on the topic of the church in history

Munich City Museum, Photography Collection, Kester Archive
Normality, calculation, conflict
The concordats of the Holy See with Bavaria
Friday, 21.03. - Saturday, 22.03.2025

From the media centre: Church in history

A look back at the negotiations on the Concordat between the Holy See and Bavaria takes us back to the initial and formative phase of the Free State of Bavaria, and at the same time to the early and fateful years of the first all-German Republic of Weimar. For the young Free State, the Concordat set a fundamental course that not only determined the organisation of the new religious law in Bavaria, but...

From the event archive: Church in history

Being there is not everything. We document our events - free of charge for you - as text, audio or video to give the lectures and discussions a higher reach.
© St Bartholomew's Day by François Dubois
Historic days
The Old Testament under philosophical cross-examination
Munich City Museum
© M. Stadtmuseum, Archive Kester
The concordats of 1817 and 1924
Archbishop's Archive MunichMichael Kißener, © Andreas Linsenmann
On Resistance, Distance, Adaptation and Collaboration in the "Third Reich
Vita Mathildis / Wikimedia Commons
Henry V / Wikimedia Commons
The struggle of spiritual and secular power for the right order
Pius XII / Wikimedia Commons
The letters of supplication from persecuted Jews to Pope Pius XII.