Philosophy | Human Sciences

Artificial intelligence

Philosophical Days
Thursday, 05.10. - Saturday, 07.10.2023
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Artificial intelligence (AI) is playing an increasingly important role in many areas of society today: from self-driving cars and medical technology to works of art created by artificial intelligence. Philosophy is also intensively involved in these debates. This involves, for example, a philosophical understanding of this new technology or epistemological questions about its explainability. The Philosophical Days aim to address precisely these questions and, above all, shed light on the practical and philosophical dimension of dealing with AI systems.

Special note:

The lecture by Prof Dr Benjamin Rathgeber can be followed as a livestream on YouTube:

Recommend event

Datum und Uhrzeit Thursday, 05.10.2023, 18.00 Uhr

Associated media

Artificial intelligence (Dossier)
How much AI do we need? How much do we want?
The diversity of the history of AI
Language models, truthfulness and the social nature of knowledge

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From the event archive

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© gorodenkoff; iStock
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© Robertsrob, canva
Unfortunately the event has to be cancelled
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