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Geoengineering our last hope?

On the importance of CO2 removals for the 1.5°C target
Wednesday, 08.02.2023

Experts already fear that we will no longer be able to stop climate change in time because we are not prepared to change our behaviour - or at best react too slowly. Technical possibilities - so-called geoengineering - are therefore coming into play again and again as a solution. But what exactly is geoengineering?
In the lecture "Geoengineering our last hope?", the role of CO2 removal in climate protection scenarios will be examined and a critical look will be taken at the technical instruments currently under discussion.

Cooperation with:

German Museum Munich

Recommend event

Datum und Uhrzeit Wednesday, 08.02.2023, 18.00

Associated media

Sabine Fuss

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