Theology | Church | Spirituality

Inter* and Trans*

in pastoral care, counselling and education
Wednesday, 05.06. - Friday, 07.06.2024
© kichigin/ canva

The Catholic Church in Germany has decided in favour of a new "approach to gender diversity" in the Synodal Path. It envisages support for transgender and intersex people that is characterised by acceptance, as well as educational programmes that raise awareness and sensitivity to the issue of gender diversity.
gender diversity. The conference will therefore focus on the practical fields of pastoral care, counselling and education.

Cooperation with:

Rainbow Pastoral Care in the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising; Intergeschlechtliche Menschen e.V.; Office for the Pastoral Care of Women of the German Bishops' Conference; Office for the Pastoral Care of Men of the German Bishops' Conference; Catholic LGBT+ Committee; #OutInChurch

Recommend event

Datum und Uhrzeit Wednesday, 05.06.2024, 14.30 Uhr

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