Science | Medicine | Technology


DNA in information processing
Wednesday, 27.11.2024
© Kotkoa

DNA can be used to encode, store, transmit and process information. DNA is interesting for information processing because information can be stored efficiently and for a long time in a very small space. It is therefore a potential alternative for tasks that can currently be performed by traditional information processing systems.

This type of storage offers the potential to preserve data for hundreds of years without any loss of quality, something that conventional storage media such as hard drives or USB sticks cannot achieve. This property makes DNA a promising medium for the long-term archiving of information.

In the event, Professor Heckel will provide an overview of the current state of research in the field of DNA in information technology and an outlook on future potential applications.

Cooperation with:

German Museum, Munich

Special note:

Venue: Deutsches Museum Munich

Recommend event

Datum und Uhrzeit Wednesday, 27.11.2024, 19.00 - 21.00 Uhr


  • Participation 3,00 €

Maximal 200 Teilnehmer.

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