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Franz Kafka and Judaism

Reflections on the 100th anniversary of the writer's death
Monday, 27.05.2024
© socolorisation

Franz Kafka (1883-1924) is one of the most important writers of the 20th century, although many of his works such as "The Trial" or "The Castle" remained unfinished and were only published after his death. The plots in his stories and novels are considered dark and enigmatic, leaving room for various interpretations. Literary scholar Liliane Weissberg and Jewish studies expert Karl Erich Grözinger will discuss Kafka's life and work, focussing in particular on Kafka's Jewish identity.

Cooperation with:

Adalbert Stifter Verein e.V. as part of the Kafka 2024 project

Special note:

Online participation in the event is possible via livestream on the YouTube channel of the Catholic Academy in Bavaria:

Recommend event

Datum und Uhrzeit Monday, 27.05.2024, 19.00

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