Society | Economy | Politics

Global trade relations, supply chains and corporate responsibility

Business ethics and moral economic perspectives
Thursday, 05.12. - Friday, 06.12.2024
© Julius Silver from Pixabay

The interdisciplinary conference "Global Trade Relations, Supply Chains and Corporate Responsibility" addresses the critical challenges and changes caused by global economic and geopolitical dynamics in international trade relations. In view of the increasing tendencies towards de-globalisation and increased regulatory intervention, the conference will examine resilience strategies such as nearshoring, reshoring or friendshoring and their capacity to protect supply chains against global risks.

Furthermore, the empirical and theoretical foundations of supply chain regulations are analysed in order to assess their effectiveness in promoting transparency and sustainability, as well as compliance with human rights standards. A central point of discussion is corporate responsibility in the context of the new supply chain laws, which require compliance with social and environmental standards.

Cooperation with:

School of International Business, Bremen University of Applied Sciences

Special note:

Free participation for students:

Up to ten pupils or students can attend this symposium free of charge (including overnight accommodation). Please write a short message to us in the "Comments" field when registering online if you would like to take up one of these places.

Recommend event

Datum und Uhrzeit Thursday, 05.12., 14.00 Uhr - Friday, 06.12.2024, 13.00 Uhr


  • Participation 63,00 €
  • incl. catering 105,00 €
  • incl. meals and single room 182,00 €
  • incl. meals and double room 155,00 €

Maximal 50 Teilnehmer.

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