Theology | Church | Spirituality

Can the church still be saved?

Medical history-diagnosis-therapies
Friday, 03.03. - Saturday, 04.03.2023

On Friday/Saturday, 3/4 March 2023, in cooperation with the chairs for liturgical studies at the LMU Munich and for pastoral theology at the Paderborn Faculty of Theology, we invite you to a conference entitled "Can the Church still be saved?" at the Catholic Academy in Bavaria. Many people inside and outside the Church are now asking themselves this question. But it also contains a deliberate ambiguity.

On the one hand, it is an expression of amazement at how the institutional church could end up in its present condition with serious abuses and disturbing behaviour.
But it is also an expression of the concern to shape the structures, practices and doctrinal content of the Church in such a way that it can continue to fulfil its purpose in Jesus Christ in the future. Click here for the detailed programme and registration for this conference.

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Datum und Uhrzeit Friday, 03.03.2023, 14.00 Uhr

Associated media

Can the church still be saved?
Can the church still be saved?
Heinz Bude
Panel on the topic 'Can the Church still be saved? Anamneses. Diagnoses. Therapies'
Heinz Bude: Can the Church Still Be Saved? - Anamneses, diagnoses, therapies
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