Theology | Church | Spirituality

New church images

Out of the box
Thursday, 16.03.2023

The question is what a future of church can look like, locally and digitally. What images of the church, what visions do we have? Where should and where can the journey go? And what is currently happening in terms of new beginnings and changes? What developments have taken place in recent years - also under the impression of the Corona pandemic? What is worth further development and promotion? And where does it make sense to say goodbye to approaches and activities?
Reason enough to think and discuss "out of the box" for the Church on the Web conference. We cordially invite you to this and to the entire conference!

Cooperation with:

Akademie Franz Hitze Haus, Münster; Akademie der Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart;, Bonn;, Frankfurt a.M.; Clearingstelle Medienkompetenz, Mainz; MDG Medien-Dienstleistung GmbH, Munich; Studienprogramm Medien PTH St. Georgen, Frankfurt a.M.

Special note:

Conference venue: Akademie Franz Hitze Haus, Münster

Recommend event

Date and time Thursday, 16.03.2023, 15.00

Associated media

New church images - out of the box

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From the event archive

Being there is not everything. We document our events - free of charge for you - as text, audio or video to give the lectures and discussions a higher reach.

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© gorodenkoff; iStock
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Unfortunately the event has to be cancelled