
Normality, calculation, conflict

The concordats of 1817 and 1924
Friday, 23.02.2024
© M. Stadtmuseum, Archive Kester

On 29 March 1924 - 100 years ago - Bavaria and the Holy See concluded a new concordat after almost five years of negotiations. The one from 1817, which had regulated state-church relations until then - albeit not entirely without conflict - was considered invalid by all sides. For Bavaria, humiliated domestically in "Weimar" and powerless in foreign policy, the new agreement was a political success that they were prepared to buy with considerable concessions. Despite numerous changes, the Concordat is still largely valid today.

Recommend event

Datum und Uhrzeit Friday, 23.02.2024, 16.00

Associated media

An expensive dream child: Bavaria, the Holy See and the Concordat of 1924
The emergence of modern Bavaria and the consequences for ecclesiastical conditions
An unloved child? Bavaria, the Holy See and the Concordat of 1817
The Bavarian concordats - a reflection of the importance of the Catholic Church in Bavaria
Discussion on the topic 'The Bavarian Concordats - a reflection of the significance of the Catholic Church in Bavaria'
Katharina Weigand: The emergence of modern Bavaria and the consequences for ecclesiastical conditions
Florian Heinritzi: An Expensive Wish Child - Bavaria, the Holy See and the Concordat of 1924
Jörg Zedler: An unloved child? Bavaria, the Holy See and the Concordat of 1817
Panel on the topic 'The Bavarian Concordats'
Dr Katharina Weigand: The emergence of modern Bavaria
Florian Heinritzi: Bavaria, the Holy See and the Concordat of 1924

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