Society | Economy | Politics

The new multipolar world order

A lecture evening with Jean Asselborn and Herfried Münkler
Wednesday, 10.04.2024
© vjanez, canva

For decades during the Cold War, the world was characterised by two power blocs and opposing political and economic systems and thus had a bipolar structure. Since the Russian attacks on Ukraine at the latest, it has become clear that the previous world order has come to an end.

Currently, a system of regional zones of influence has emerged that is essentially dominated by five centres of power: the USA, the European Union, Russia, China and India.

At the event, political scientist Herfried Münkler and former Luxembourg Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn will analyse the extent to which the multipolar world order offers new opportunities and the risks it poses - not only for the EU.

Special note:

The event is fully booked! Online participation in the event is possible via livestream on the YouTube channel of the Catholic Academy in Bavaria:Livestream on YouTube

Recommend event

Datum und Uhrzeit Wednesday, 10.04.2024, 19.00

Associated media

Herfried Münkler and Jean Asselborn on the new multipolar world order
Herfried Münkler and Jean Asselborn discuss the new multipolar world order

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