
100 years of the Bavarian Concordat

Friday, 15.11. - Saturday, 16.11.2024
Munich City Museum
Munich City Museum

The Concordat between Pope Pius XI and the Free State of Bavaria celebrated its 100th anniversary on 29 March 2024. This anniversary will be taken as an opportunity to take stock of the effectiveness of the treaty, to analyse the interactions that have occurred with the additional protocols and other state-church agreements, to identify desiderata for the further development of the Bavarian Concordat and to discuss proposals for future reforms. In addition to the academic perspective, the experiences of church and state practice with the implementation of the Concordat, particularly with regard to joint matters, should also be included.

Cooperation with:

University of Regensburg, Faculty of Catholic Theology

Special note:

Venue: University of Regensburg / Vielberth Building, H.24 Please register at martina.brunner@ur.de

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