As part of the Biblical Days on the Apocalypse of St John, the composer and Orff student Wilfried Hiller and the librettist and former Protestant regional bishop Stefan Ark Nitsche will musically explore the fascinating yet terrifying text and provide insights into their workshop. You are cordially invited to "Apocalypse Now" on Monday, 25 March at 7 pm at the Catholic Academy.
The world premiere of the work "Apokalypse - Eine Enthüllung" can be experienced on 2 July 2024 at 8 pm in the Church of St. Sebald in Nuremberg at the ION Music Festival.
Programme of the event:
The evening will be an exploration
with the fascinating and frightening
text - in view of the realisation that we Christians and non-Christians in Central Europe are not the original target group to whom these visions of confidence are addressed.
visions are addressed to. Due to the suspicion repeatedly expressed in the reception
suspicion repeatedly voiced in the reception that God was the direct, angrily punishing author of all the horrors, the question of theodicy arises: "Where
were you, God?" and this brings the counter-question into focus: "Where are you, man?"