Theology | Church | Spirituality

Guardini Day

POSTPONED to 17-19 February 2025
Wednesday, 12.06. - Friday, 14.06.2024
Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain
Wikimedia Commons, Public Domain

Unfortunately, we have to postpone the Guardini Day planned for 2024 until 2025: From 17 - 19 February, however, you can expect the same varied programme of lectures, workshops, talks, film sequences - and a city walk through Munich.

The focus remains on prayer: Dealing with the sacred is at the centre of Romano Guardini's thinking. But what exactly did the great philosopher of religion and theologian mean by this? How and what did he pray? And can we learn from his life of prayer?

Make a note now!

Cooperation with:

Guardini Foundation, Berlin

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Stefan Müller/Wikimedia Commons
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From the event archive

Being there is not everything. We document our events - free of charge for you - as text, audio or video to give the lectures and discussions a higher reach.

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© Shutterstock
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Being there is not everything. We document our events - free of charge for you - as text, audio or video to give the lectures and discussions a higher reach.

You can find the presentations of past events in our media library.