Theology | Church | Spirituality

The AI - Deus Ex Machina?

How AI will change the church
Thursday, 29.02. - Friday, 01.03.2024
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Logo KIW

An AI as creator? It writes texts, provides ideas, brings creativity and perhaps even gives us digital immortality. Will AI replace us all? Who is the creator and who has the copyright? Can we even learn something from technology?
Not least for the churches' fields of activity, it could be a partner or even a challenge. A deeper insight is therefore always worthwhile at #Kiw24 - at the study conference "Church on the Web 2024".

Cooperation with:

Akademie Franz Hitze Haus, Münster; Internet portal, Bonn; Internet portal, Frankfurt a.M.; MDG Medien-Dienstleistung GmbH I.L., Munich; Gemeinschaftswerk der Evangelischen Publizistik gGmbH (GEP), Frankfurt a.M.; Studienprogramm Medien PTH St. Georgen, Frankfurt a.M.; Kampanile Medienagentur, Münster

Programme of the event:

An AI as a creator? It writes texts, provides ideas, brings creativity and perhaps even gives us digital immortality. Will AI replace us all? Who is the creator and who has the copyright? Can we even learn something from technology? We will show how journalists and other writers can practically deal with the new possibilities of AI. We will go on excursions to well-known companies that are already working with AI. And in our fireside chat, you can discuss what AI means for the future. Last but not least, it could be a partner or even a challenge for the churches' fields of activity. It's definitely worth taking a closer look at #Kiw24 - at the "Church on the Web 2024" study conference.

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