Theology | Church | Spirituality

The Apocalypse of St John

Biblical Days 2024
Monday, 25.03. - Wednesday, 27.03.2024
Picture by E. J. von Steinle
Picture by E. J. von Steinle

Anyone who reads the Apocalypse of John needs reading keys, because it encompasses more than logically arguing, abstract and rational theology. The writing of the seer John is not only understood with the head. It stimulates the senses. The approaches chosen for the Biblical Days are correspondingly diverse: biblical-exegetical lectures alternate with musical, art-historical and filmic contributions. We cordially invite you to an encounter with what is probably the most enigmatic and eerie, but also the most beautiful book of the entire New Testament.

Programme of the event:

The Apocalypse of St John is both beautiful and gruesome. It tells of splendour and horror. Monsters emerge from the sea and armies prepare for war. These are strange-looking images. Anyone who reads the Apocalypse of St John needs reading keys, because it contains more than logically reasoned, abstract and rational theology. The writing of the seer John is not only understood with the head. It stimulates the senses. The approaches chosen for the Biblical Days are correspondingly diverse: biblical-exegetical lectures alternate with musical, art-historical and filmic contributions. We cordially invite you to an encounter with what is probably the most enigmatic and scary, but also the most beautiful book of the entire New Testament.

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From the event archive

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