Sustainability and climate protection

Sustainable management and climate protection are very important for the Catholic Academy in Bavaria. The Academy works with the European environmental management system EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme) and is certified according to the EMAS standard.

We source most of our food regionally and, wherever possible, in organic quality. Our kitchen has been certified organic since 2007 (DE-Ă–KO-006) and has been honoured several times as part of the "Animal welfare on the plate" project.

Environmental and sustainability management at the Catholic Academy in Bavaria


"In Christian responsibility for the world and creation ... the Catholic Academy in Bavaria operates a sustainability management system that takes equal account of economic, ecological and social concerns."

This guiding principle of our "Sustainability Policy" sums it up: We are convinced that a church institution has a special obligation to protect the livelihoods of future generations.

We know that we can only contribute to this if we consistently, continuously and in a balanced way relate economic issues, natural foundations and human and social needs to each other in our area of responsibility.

Our environmental statement

 Here you can download our current environmental statement:

Our sustainability reports


In regularly published sustainability reports, we provide comprehensive insights into all aspects of our sustainability management. We want to make the background clear and show the many facets of concretely perceived responsibility for creation. The reports therefore document goals as well as measures and show how the Catholic Academy has developed through its sustainable orientation in recent years.

Here you can download the current sustainability report:

Our sustainability management


The Catholic Academy's sustainability management system essentially consists of two components:

  • Our environmental management is validated according to the proven standards of the Eco Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) based on EU Regulation 761/2001.
  • Our quality management is certified according to ISO 9001:2015. This internationally valid system of standards covers, among other things, the areas of management responsibility, personnel management, customer orientation, procurement and management of resources.

In November 2005, these were externally assessed for the first time. The last EMAS recertification took place in 2017, and ISO 9001:2015 was successfully recertified in November 2020.

Both sets of standards are constitutive of the EMASplus system, which also incorporates the EU concept of "Corporate Social Responsibility" (CSR). This management system aims equally at the systematic evaluation and control of economic, ecological and social aspects of our work and thus at a sustainable orientation of the Academy.