to the debate

All complete booklets for download

We have been reporting on our events in our renowned journal "zur debatte" since 1970. Academically on the pulse, we get to the bottom of our questions here with due diligence. All issues since 2010 are available online for download.

Current issues

Debatte ansehen

Issue 1/2024

Debatte ansehen

Issue 4/2023

Debatte ansehen

Issue 3/2023

Debatte ansehen

Issue 2/2023

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Archived issues

Demolitions and new beginnings - a walk through the long 19th century
"Laudato sí"
Franz Josef Strauß - The intellectual profile of a controversial politician
Signs of the times - current developments
Teresa of Ávila
One world - our responsibility
Science for everyone; geo-resource underground
Romano Guardini Prize 2014 for Karl Cardinal Lehmann
Hitler's world view