to the debate

All complete booklets for download

We have been reporting on our events in our renowned journal "zur debatte" since 1970. Academically on the pulse, we get to the bottom of our questions here with due diligence. All issues since 2010 are available online for download.

Current issues

Debatte ansehen

Issue 2/2024

Debatte ansehen

Issue 1/2024

Debatte ansehen

Issue 4/2023

Debatte ansehen

Issue 3/2023

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Archived issues

The question of the future
What to do?! Responding to political populism
Journey to Italy 1715/16
Persecution and flight
Ursula von der Leyen: We have a responsibility to get involved
Martin Luther in ecumenical perspective
Europe - Reflecting on our continent
Ecumenical Prize 2016 to Frank - Walter Steinmeier
The "Islamic State"
An evening with Bishop Erwin Kräutler